Introduction to numerology

Azghar Ali

Good day,

I’m your friend and well-wisher Azghar. I have been working as a numerologist for ten years. I have spent the last ten years learning the intricate details of numerology and have assisted numerous people in understanding their lives through the use of numbers. The ancient science of numerology can disclose a lot about a person's personality, character, and even future chances. I take great delight in my work and always make an effort to give my clients accurate readings and insightful counsel. I am convinced that my knowledge of numerology may help you learn more about yourself and your life's purpose, whether you want advice on concerns of love, career, or personal development.

In this session, I will discuss numerology for you people and consider that no one of you knows anything about numerology. I will try to explain it in a very common way that everyone not only understated but also practice this knowledge with their near ones. Let’s start and know something interesting thing about numerology

 Introduction to numerology


What is numerology, how does it function, and why is it frequently connected to astrology The belief in numbers, or Numerology is the study of numbers. It is frequently used to ascertain specific characteristics about a certain person, including their personality strengths talents inter needs, and emotional reactions. Numerology is the study of the hidden relationship between numbers and events in life. Numerology is not a recent trend it has a long history that dates back to ancient Egypt and Babylonia. Mesopotamia, commonly referred to as Chaldea was the first that introduce numerology 4000 years before they connect each alphabet with sound and assign a specific number to a specific letter or alphabet. after that Pythagoras, a famous mathematician, first formally organized the field of numerology many thousands of years ago in ancient Greece. Since then, numerology has slowly but steadily evolved. The universe vibrates at its own specific frequency, and you can use the principles of numerology to find the vibration rate of any given object, including people. Although numerology can initially seem quite strange and difficult to understand to the outside observer, it is based on fairly simple principles. This is how numerology works to determine important information about a person's personality and overall character. A numerologist can determine a person's characteristics using a straightforward mathematical formula, and the evaluation of these characteristics will produce an accurate character analysis. When all is said and done, the birth date accounts for around half of the analysis.

Keep in mind that there are many systems of numerology and many numerologist practices that predict the coming event in one’s life. But my experience says that the most accurate system of numerology is Chaldean numerology which is mostly become correct and relatable.

Famous System of Numerology

·         Pythagoras numerology

·         Chaldean numerology

Here we discuss only the Chaldean numerology

Chaldean numerology

The earliest numerology known as Chaldean numerology was introduced in Mesopotamia, commonly referred to as Chaldea. This numerology method is based on the vibrations and energies of numbers, which are thought to be almost 4,000 years old. Chaldean numerology gives a specific numerical value to each letter of the alphabet, in difference to other types of numerology that employ a single-digit method. The Chaldeans employed this system at first to make predictions about the future and gain an understanding of the diverse faces of life. Each number in Chaldean numerology is relative to a certain vibration or energy. These vibrations can be used to learn more about a person's personality, character, and even destiny. The silent characteristics of numbers are given bellow

Number 1: uniqueness, independence, self-reliance, leadership, creativity, and originality.

Number 2: Collaboration, harmony, balance, sensitivity, intuition, receptivity, flexibility, and partnership.

Number 3: Beauty, communication, self-expression, creativity, sociability, humor, happiness, and optimism

Number 4: Evenness, discipline, dependability, organization, endurance, and attention to detail

Number 5: workability, adaptability, resourcefulness, sensuality, freedom, change, adventure, variety, and curiosity

Number 6: Harmony, balance, accountability, nurturing, family, love, service, healing, and empathy

Number 7: Analysis, introspection, mysticism, research, inquiry, wisdom, meditation, and intuition

Number 8: Strength, achievement, success, wealth, abundance, ambition, material prosperity, and self-assurance.

Number 9: Humanitarianism, empathy, generosity, altruism, idealism, knowledge, originality, and spiritual awareness.

Number 11: Luminosity, intuition, inspiration, revelation, revelation, idealism, creativity, sensitivity, charm;

Number 22: this is associated with manifestation, pragmatism, efficiency, mastery, organization, building, ambition, power, and accomplishment.

Number 23: Compassion, service, healing, education, counseling, leadership, love, inspiration, and selflessness.

It's vital to keep in mind that each number's quiet features might appear in a variety of ways, depending on the situation and the person. For instance, while the number 1 is linked to independence and leadership, not all individuals with a life path number of 1 will display these traits consistently. It is better to think of numbers' quiet qualities as tools for knowledge and insight than as rigid definitions or laws.

The fact that Chaldean numerology gives various numerical values to particular alphabet letters is one of the main distinctions between Chaldean numerology and other types of numerology. For instance, the letters A through Z are given values of 1 through 9, respectively, under the single-digit Pythagorean numerology system. But according to their distinct vibrations and energies, various letters are assigned different values in Chaldean numerology.

Chaldean numerology can be utilized to learn more about a variety of subjects, such as love, career, health, and personal development. A Chaldean numerologist, for instance, might utilize someone's birth date to determine their life path number, which is a crucial sign of their personality and destiny. Chaldean numerology can be used to determine a person's destiny number, which is based on the numerical value of their complete name, in addition to their life path numbers. A person's intrinsic skills and abilities as well as their overall life purpose are said to be revealed by their destiny number. The idea of master numbers is a key component of Chaldean numerology. The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are regarded as master numbers in Chaldean numerology. when compared to other numbers, they have a stronger vibration and energy. These master numbers are frequently linked to those who are destined for greatness and are said to signify elevated states of spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

In general, Chaldean numerology is a potent tool for understanding.

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