Date of birth Numerology III

Azghar Ali
life path number 7,life path 7,numerology number 7,destiny number 7,life path 7 meaning,life path number 7 meaning

People who are born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month are ruled by Ketu which is also called as Dragon’s tail. Ketu is not a planet, but a node - the south node of the moon. It is considered a highly spiritual planet and is believed to be malefic, dynamic, low in vibration, and internally dissatisfied. The direction of Ketu always moves in the opposite direction in a horoscope.

Number 7 people have some important traits that define their personalities. They are

· secretive

· intuitive

· restless

· indecisive

· sentimental

· introverted

· excellent analytical skills.

They excel in jobs involving analysis and research and are suited for water-dominated professions, artistic and literary fields, and any work that involves analysis.
If the destiny and name number of number 7 people are good, they can become excellent scholars. They are philosophical by nature and good speakers. They possessed the good qualities of 7 as following

· idealistic and materialistic

· mysterious

· flexible

· expressive

They have a magnetic personality and stand out from the crowd.
However, if their destiny and name number are not good, they become easily influenced by people, mostly in their dream world fantasizing about things, and tend to overwork and not let their minds rest in peace. They may become too introverted if their other numbers are not strong and underestimate their talents. Their decision-making may be poor, leading to regrets later.
It is important to note that the effect of the number 7 increases if the month of birth is July as it is also 7. Overall, number 7 people have unique personalities and traits that make them stand out in their chosen fields.

To read about numbers 1,2, and 3 click here

life path number 8,life path 8,numerology number 8,destiny number 8,life path 8 meaning,life path number 8 meaning

People who are born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th are under the influence of Saturn. Saturn, known as the planet of darkness, is the slowest planet in the universe and is notably slow in producing results. It is believed that the best time for those born on these dates is after the age of 35, although there may be exceptions. Saturn is associated with discipline and does not favor people with inflated egos or those who engage in illegal activities. It is also considered to be the planet of delays and obstacles, causing situations that would normally take a short time to take much longer for those born under the number 8. For instance, someone who would typically receive a visa in 15 days may take 2 months if they are a number 8 person.

All Capricorns and Aquarius share the same ruler as people born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, which is Saturn. The traits of number 8 Psychic people are as follows:

· Self-centered: These individuals often keep their inner thoughts and emotions to themselves, even if they suffer as a result.

· Hardworking: The best quality of Number 8 people is their diligent work ethic. Although Saturn is slow to yield results, it imbues its natives with the energy needed to persevere.
· Willing to accept challenges: Number 8 people are always eager to take on new challenges.

· Reserved and patient: This trait is generally true for those born on the 8th of any month.

· Strong willpower

· Struggles, delays, and obstacles: This is the least desirable quality of Number 8 people, and it is not easily overcome. However, there are a few numbers 8 individuals who have done exceptionally well, with unique stories that will be discussed later.

Saturn rules over teeth, bones, and the urinary tract. Suitable professions include government officials, coal merchants, dealers of black commodities, trade union dealers, and labor employment.

If a Number 8 Psychic is positive, it's worth noting that the effect is even greater if they were born in August. Here are some of the good characteristics:

· Possess strong willpower and determination.

· Tend to be reserved and patient.

· Great fighters who are not afraid of challenges.

· Tend to be materialistic.

· Never accept defeat easily.

· Hardworking and ready to put in the effort.

· Generally well-balanced individuals.

On the other hand, if a Number 8 Psychic is negative, the following characteristics may apply:

May experience difficulties in love and relationships.

· Have a tendency to be revengeful.

· Tend to trust people too easily.

· May be addicted to bad habits.

· Easily irritated.

· Prone to depression.

· May be involved in illegal activities.

To read about numbers 4,5, and 6 click here

life path number 9,life path 8,numerology number 9,destiny number 9,life path 9 meaning,life path number 9 meaning

People who are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th are governed by the planet Mars. Mars is a destructive planet, with a red color. It is referred to as the commander-in-chief and is depicted as a warrior. While it is hot and fiery on the outside, it contains ice within. Mars is renowned for its bravery and courage, but it is also a malefic planet.

The following are the characteristics of Number 9 psychic individuals:

· Impatient: Due to their fiery nature, Number 9 individuals can be impatient. The degree of impatience may vary based on destiny and name number.

· Argumentative

· Restless: Number 9 people are restless and prefer to be occupied with something all the time. Sitting still is challenging for them.

· Unpredictable temperament

· Tendency towards violence: At times, Number 9 individuals may exhibit violent behavior.

· Brave

· High energy levels

Rules over: Blood
Professions that Suited them: Army, surgeons, chemist, iron and steel industry, manufacturers of metal goods, construction, police officers

Number 9 a Psychic Number (when positive)

· Energetic

· Hard work and determination

· Courageous

· Adventurous

· Optimistic

· Full of enthusiasm and inspiration

· Sense of responsibility

To sum up, individuals with Number 9 or Mars as their ruling planet are characterized by their abundant energy. Those with Number 9 psychic should acknowledge and channel their energies toward constructive endeavors. Among all the numbers, they are known for their strong work ethic.

Number 9 is a psychic number (when negative)

· Arrogant

· Short tempered

· Accident prone

· Loss of blood

· Aggressive

· Overconfident

· Too many risks

· Quarrelsome

If an individual has more 9s in their date of birth, they tend to exhibit more aggressive behavior. For instance, those born in September may display a higher level of aggression compared to those born in other months. The manifestation of this aggression can vary depending on other numbers in their numerology chart. It can be expressed as hard work, anger, or even accidents.

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