Name Signature

Azghar Ali
your signature is your representer, with a signature you can draw money from your bank account, with the signature you deal with important documents, with the signature you agree upon something, when you sign any document, you actually agree to the terms and conditions in documents, overall, the signature is you; it represents you when you are not there. So, you never want to be called a confused person or a person with many ups and down in his life, then why do you sign in zigzag? round and round again? Cutting your name by line stroke? Your signature tells many things about your personality. It is very important that your signature must be very attractive and comes on a lucky number. A person’s true self, innermost desires, and aspirations can be revealed by signature. When someone signs their name, they are actually creating a unique combination of numbers that can reveal important qualities in their personality, behaviors, and potential.

Name Signature


As in schools when we are given a four-line page to write our homework, teachers are always asked to write between the line and never cross the margin. When you write the letters j, g, and y, you are always advised by the teacher to not draw down the bottom curve and complete the curve with a closed-ended. In signature analysis, we consider that if the lower part of the letters j, g, and y is not closed then the person is used to living in the past, and when he closed the end, we believe he will succeed in life and complete everything given to him. When you start your signature with a very big letter and gradually decrease the size, it means at the beginning you are very excited to start something, and with time you become lazy or fed up with the task. Likewise, the opposite is also not good if someone starts with a very small letter size and increases it gradually, actually, we should keep a balance in our signature like we want balance in our relationship, business, or personal affairs. The way you sign, your life will go accordingly, let’s take some examples in support of our above discussion.


Here we take the examples of some famous personalities who's life are known by everyone, so it is easy to support my discussion and let you know how it is important to adopt a good signature in our life.

Donald Trump

Name Signature

As you can see there are many up-and-down strokes in his signature, his life is also full of up-and-down. Despite the way he is hardworking but his life seems to be full of difficulties which can be seen by his signature. people perceive him as having a confused personality.

Shah Rukh Khan

Name Signature

Shah Rukh Khan a famous Bollywood superstar, he is also known as king khan, when we analyze his signature we can see a big start with the letter s and turn it again like a U-turn, also see the letter k like r. So, a big start, a U-turn, and a small end overall it is not considered to be a good signature.

Gauri Khan

Name Signature

Gauri Khan wife of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, the initial letter g, is going down very much and then coming up, so very much effort with a small reward.

Michael Jackson

Name Signature

The famous singer Michael Jackson, now look at it and compare his signature with his life, many zigzags on one signal line. He used to be involved in many controversial scandals and there are many up and downs in his life.

prince Harry

Name Signature

Prince Harry, see his signature, goes straight (leaving the palace), a big U-turn, and finally comes back to the palace one day again. 

Meghan Markle

Name Signature

Meghan Markle, from her latest signature, after marriage, went very speedily to the palace but again return back to her old place, not much surprise as it is clear from her signature.

Adolf Hitler

Name Signature

Adolf Hitler, see the ups and down, signature is included down rest is history.

Good signature

According to graphologists, your handwriting is a reflection of your personality it tells many things about your innermost traits, your signature is also part of your handwriting it tells many things. How do sign properly what are the basic qualities of good handwriting. let us discuss it 

  • It contains the complete spelling of your name.
  • Maximum inclined at 45 degrees upward.
  • Starts with a capital letter and then rests with small letters.
  • Draw one line under the signature. line should not cut the name, it looks like a support in life.
  • Put a dot after the line. (Two dots mean you have support; three dots mean you have unnecessary circles of friends)
  • Never put a dot after the name.
  • Never put a dot between names.
  • Never stroke your signature with lines.
  • last but not least it is very important for you that your signature comes to a very lucky number, because if you complete the above conditions and your signature is not on a lucky number then all in vain 
Now I share some pictures of the famous personality and leave them for you to understand the signature and compare them with their life, and feel how positive the signatures are

Malala Yousafzai

Name Signature

Priyanka Chopra

Name Signature

Ranbir Kapoor

Name Signature

Read More: Name Numerology


discussing different examples of lucky and unlucky signatures, now it is clear that a good signature has positive vibes in our life. we use our signature on daily bases which is our representative, so a representation should be clear, lucky, and dominating in nature. like name number the signature number should also come on a lucky number.


Q1: Which type of signature is lucky?
 A: All those signatures are considered to be lucky which comes to a lucky number, starting with capital letter, and inclined upward
Q2: How do I create a lucky signature?
 A: There are certain rules to create a lucky signature which are discussed in the blog
Q3: How should be a signature according to numerology?
A: A signature should be clear from all aspects like positive numbers, 45 angles, etc.
Q4: How do I know if my signature is good?
you have to visit a graphologist for this purpose where you can find out how positive your signature. you can also concern us for services. 
Q5: What's the 'best style of signature'?
A: the best style for a signature is a complete signature with the full spelling of your name.

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