Date of birth Numerology

Azghar Ali
People who are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month are called birth number 1 or life path number 1. The mentioned characteristics are also applied to all Leo as the ruler of Leo’s zodiac is Sun and the numerology number 1 is ruled by the sun. the life path 1 people’s characteristics are Strong like Sun, these people have very strong character and usually, it is difficult for anyone to make them change their mindsets. It is observed that, whether males or females, number 1 people are very strong internally whether that character is seen by the world or not. Number 1 people have very good leadership qualities and management skills. As they have a strong character they excel throughout their life, if females with birth number 1, are housewives they dominate the home and their management of the home is good. Birth number 1 people make the best managers and leaders. Number 1 people like a fanfare. Like Sun they like to show a lot about themselves and show off. They often want to dress well and spend a lot on their own care and feeding. Their best characteristic is that they are practical in life. Often number 1 people are true lovers too. They have the best practical solution to everything. They are creative and often I have seen a lot of number 1 people in arts doing very well as an artist. These are some unique characteristics of people with birth number 1, these characteristics can be positive or negative depending upon their name numbers or destiny numbers. Now let’s take a look at Number 1 as a birth number as positive and negative.  when life path 1 is positive: a) Good leadership skills b) Fixity of purpose of ideas c) Strong individuality d) Authoritative e) Energetic f) Novelty / Inventive / Creative g) Optimist h) Does not give up easily Positive life path 1 can almost conquer the world. Most of the conquerors are with positive life path 1  when life path 1 is negative: a) Too authoritative b) Adamant c) Overly ambitious d) Boasting e) Being too critical f) Hasty judgment g) Always trying to be the center of attraction

People who are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month are called birth number 1 or Psychic number 1. The mentioned characteristics are also applied to all Leo as the ruler of Leo’s zodiac is Sun and the numerology number 1 is ruled by the sun. the life path 1 people’s characteristics are Strong like Sun, these people have very strong character and usually, it is difficult for anyone to make them change their mindsets. It is observed that, whether males or females, number 1 people are very strong internally whether that character is seen by the world or not. Number 1 people have very good leadership qualities and management skills. As they have a strong character they excel throughout their life, if females with birth number 1, are housewives they dominate the home and their management of the home is good. Birth number 1 people make the best managers and leaders. Number 1 people like fanfare. Like Sun they like to show a lot about themselves and show off. They often want to dress well and spend a lot on their own care and feeding. Their best characteristic is that they are practical in life. Often number 1 people are true lovers too. They have the best practical solution to everything. They are creative and often I have seen a lot of number 1 people in arts doing very well as an artist. These are some unique characteristics of people with birth number 1, these characteristics can be positive or negative depending upon their name numbers or destiny numbers. Now let’s take a look at Number 1 as a birth number as positive and negative.

when life path 1 is positive

a) Good leadership skills
b) Fixity of purpose of ideas
c) Strong individuality
d) Authoritative
e) Energetic
f) Novelty / Inventive / Creative
g) Optimist
h) Does not give up easily
Positive psychic no 1 can almost conquer the world. Most of the conquerors are with positive Psychic number 1

when life path 1 is negative

a) Too authoritative
b) Adamant
c) Overly ambitious
d) Boasting
e) Being too critical
f) Hasty judgment
g) Always trying to be the center of attraction

To read about numbers 4,5, and 6 click here

life path number 2,life path 2,numerology number 2,destiny number 2,life path 2 meaning,life path number 2 meaning

People who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of any month, then they are ruled by number 2 or psychic 2. They are also ruled by Number 2 if their date of birth Numbers total is 2 which is called the destiny number 2. or their star sign is Cancer. Numerology number 2 people are ruled by Moon. It gives them a fertile imagination. The moon influences their mind, thoughts, and imagination. Like the Moon’s peaks and valleys each fortnight, they have altered moods of joy and depression.

Numerology number 2, meanings for 2 interpret that the word lunar means like Moon. If they regulate their imagination, they become a great scholar. If their imagination runs rampage, they lose their head and end up as a Lunatic.

Number 2 personality endorses that they possess a mercurial temperament. they toe the line of someone and toil hard for him in business than work for their own profits. they find it a lot easier.

Life path 2 confirms that Moon derives its light from the Sun. Like Moon, they too shine in borrowed fame. Moon hides her one side from us, Likewise, they hide their dark side from others’ eyes.

Name Numerology Number Meanings for number 2 says that they are shaken by suspicion. they are soft in their nature, like the cool moonlight glow. they show a rough exterior to others like Moon shows its bowl surface.

Numerology number 2 shows that, if someone becomes hot and offensive against them, they are clatter. they try to compromise. But if someone is under them, they enslave him, terrorize him, and extract work.

Numerology number 2 confirms that if the same subordinate retaliates, they become put down. It makes them fear everyone. they do not trust others. they preferably do it all by themselves.

Numerology number 2 also reveals that, if they trust some people, they fall for their praise, and they get badly cheated. Hence, be careful about your choice of friends. Assess them well before choosing them as your friend.

To read about numbers 7,8, and 9 click here

life path number 3,life path 3,numerology number 3,destiny number 3,life path 3 meaning,life path number 3 meaning

People who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, then you are number 3 or psychic 3 which is ruled by Jupiter numerology number 3 stands for Jupiter. since Jupiter rules number 3, it signifies Knowledge, Wisdom, Selflessness, Service, and Sacrifice.

Numerology number 3 and Jupiter have an impact on many patriots, selfless individuals, and disciplined leaders like those in the Navy and Air Force.

If the strength of your birth number 3 or life path 3 is weakened in your numerology, by a conflicting life path number or name number, you chose as a clerical staff or accountant, in any government or private organization.

Numerology number 3 makes you intelligent, hard-working, diligent, and honest in your dealings. You obey your superiors totally. You also expect punctuality, discipline, and obedience from your subordinates.

Though you show a tough exterior, you are not hard-hearted. As per your numerology, you only do what is reasonable and you act as per your conscience. You do not mind helping others, even without any returns.

Name numerology for 3 makes you conservative in your views. You follow your religion sincerely. You do not change your ways of life as per social norms. You like to help others. But you shy away from asking for help.

You may appear proud when you behave like that, but you are not. Your numerology makes you so great in nature. You consider it inferior to seek the help of others. Your self-respect prevents you from doing that.

Numerology number 3 involves you in selfless deeds. You attain high positions in politics, by your selflessness. But you do not classify among the lucky. Whatever comes to you comes only after your due hard work.

But your numerology gives you promotions only step by step. You do not desire anything which you cannot perform. You remain content with whatever comes to you in the course of your life, by sincere hard work.

Under the number 3, you fall into two types. One with self-confidence, and the other without that. If you are the first type, you are bold in what you do. You fight for what is right, unmindful of opposition.

You are attracted by selfless sacrifice for others. As a soldier, you do not even mind dying for your country. For public cause and good, your numerology makes you ready to undergo any suffering and personal loss.

As per name numerology, if you are the second type, you obey your elders and remain silent. You work only for you and your family. Even if you do something good, you just get a name, but you do not become famous.

On the other hand, your number 3 makes you the strong pillar of offices, institutions, and governments. You will fill all the important clerical and administrative positions to serve officers, ministers, and organizations. Name numerology for number 3 makes you shy away from earning a bad name. You stand for prestige. You are not interested to start or run an altruistic institution. But you gladly work for those that offer good service.

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