Date of birth Numerology II

Azghar Ali
life path number 4,life path 4,numerology number 4,destiny number 4,life path 4 meaning,life path number 4 meaning

People who are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st, of any month, are ruled by the number 4. They are also ruled by Raahu if their date of birth total or life path no is 4. You are the Mr. Public in society. If they are Well Informed, Well Known, and a Source of Information on all topics, they are ruled by number 4. They are a knowledgeable person who are always busy, collecting information about all walks of life. they represent society. they cause changes in social custom and their society. It is their opinion that counts as public opinion. If their day number or psychic no is something else, and their total number is 4, they will have their early life and character as per their day number or psychic no. But No. 4 will decide the important changes, unexpected events, and turns in their life. Some traits of number 4 people are as follow

The well Informed

Name numerology for 4 makes them “The Well Informed “in social circles. they are on the lips of everyone, as an authority, when someone wants some information. they have the power of tongue or gift of the gab. their No. 4 rules, Buddhi, or their Intellect. They can cause and affect social revolutions. they make reformation and social changes through their speech and writings. they are always busy talking to someone or helping others. numerology for number 4 makes them gather the latest info on all subjects. they are the trusted source of information, on a wide range of subjects. We can see them on street corners, restaurants, clubs, and press meets.

Your No. 4 also represents The Earth. Therefore, they are sharp and intelligent. they are soft and pleasant. they are acquainted with almost everyone. they have a wide circle of friends. numerology makes them want to express authoritative opinions. they cross others with alternate views, which they want to establish. In trying to be adamant, they also acquire secret enmity amidst their circles.

Their numerology number makes them not so keen on becoming famous. they want to fully enjoy life. they care much about their food and drinks. they are the one who asks for special aphrodisiacs and tonics to improve their health.

numerology for the number 4, makes them soft in nature. they are full of emotions. they are easily hurt. But they forget it quickly to get along well. It is not easy for them to make easy money. they struggle for their earnings. But they enjoy spending money. they take pleasure in shopping for the latest in computers and on the Internet online shopping. they keep their drawing room very attractive. they amaze their friends with their rare collections.

Fond Of Company

Numerology number 4 makes them fond of games like cricket, volleyball, and football, which interest most people. In youth, they want to enjoy life. In old age, they do research and philosophical literature.

Cautious In Enterprise

Like those ruled by number 3, number 4 people are not so, who will do any daring sacrifice for the country, unmindful of results. In their life, they think well and only indulge in those activities, which will earn good profits for their welfare.

To read about numbers 1,2, and 3 click here 

life path number 5,life path 5,numerology number 5,destiny number 5,life path 5 meaning,life path number 5 meaning

People who are born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd, of any month, are ruled by 5 and Planet Mercury. Those are also ruled by No. 5 if the life path number or date of birth total becomes 5. If someone takes daring risks and considers nothing Impossible then they are ruled by number 5 and Mercury. their Intellect works with Lightning Speed, and they are very Popular and Successful. Some important traits of number 5 people are as follow

Number 5 people

The power of numerology for 5, makes their intellect work with lightning speed. they quickly think of new ideas, for which others take months. they are responsible for the rapid scientific developments in our modern life. Numerology number 5 makes them work so well, that they consider the whole world lags behind. they are fond of new business ventures and they are never afraid of failure. they are lucky and successful. they are liked by all. Numerology for number 5 gives them special powers of special attraction. they can never fail. they fight back and win.

Like Constant Changes

Numerology for number 5 makes them constantly like changes and new enterprises. they are bored by routine. Whether it is in their dress or job, business or food, they want continuous changes for the better. their spouse has to understand this secret of their numerology. She has to show her affection in different ways. She has to retain their affection by cooking tasty dishes and impressing them with changes in her personality.

Successful In Business

numerology for number 5 ensures their business success. they can do any business successfully. they think of novel ways of making money. If they fail, know that. it is the stepping stone for their next big success. They like to earn well and spend well. If their numerology of 5 is exalted, then, they achieve great name and fame. they perform memorable things. they invent new ideas, new ways of marketing, and new methods.

Keep their Confidence

Numerology for number 5 warns that they have to be careful with their secrets. they cannot hide anything from others. People come to know of their secret love matters very quickly. they should not take risks.

Love Life for No. 5

Numerology for number 5 makes them easily fall in love. It is quick love out of passion rather than reason. Because their love changes in everything, they also change their love often. they may end up in serious trouble. Persons with the date of birth numbers 9, 18, and 27 attract them like magnets. If they marry any of them, they may end up with a bitter married life. They are likely to rule over them in the long run. they have to make a wise choice.

Children for number 5

Here they have some unpleasant news. Persons ruled by number 5, do not get children easily. If both husband and wife are ruled by number 5, then the question of issues is more delayed or complex. It is better to try from very early.

To read about 7,8, and 9 click here

life path number 6,life path 6,numerology number 6,destiny number 6,life path 6 meaning,life path number 6 meaning

People who are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th, of any month, are ruled by No. 6 and Planet Venus. they are also ruled by Venus and 6 if someone has a life no or date of birth total happens to be 6. Numerology for number 6 makes them dominate, rule, and control others. No. 6 gives them a charming, lovable, attractive personality. they command obedience from all folks around them. The artist in 6 numerology makes them fond of dance, music sessions, television serials, and film shows, some important traits of the number 6 are as follows

Exercise Power

they order around and rule. Surrounded by servants, they lead a luxurious life. Someone is always waiting for their back and call. Someone is always looking for their help. they are gifted with name, fame, and riches. If their destiny number alone is 6, they will attain the qualities of number 6 in due course of their life, and attain greatness. If their name number alone is 6, they gradually transform their life into a status of comfort and luxury. Numerology for number 6 makes them love all attractive things. they love all things beautiful. they consider this life to be fully enjoyed. they want to enjoy every pleasure. they extract work from others to achieve their goals. Numerology for number 6, makes you enjoy all pleasures. If they are a woman, they get a wealthy husband and enjoy through him. If they are a man, they get a rich wife and enjoy her wealth. They work tirelessly to make money.

Born With Gifts

Numerology for number 6 makes them great artists, actors, orators, or politicians. they easily govern and rule experts, even though they do not have their knowledge. they are helped by others to come up in their life.

Not Grateful to All

Numerology for number 6 makes others help you, but they do not always reciprocate. they make false promises and fail to keep them. Others do thankless jobs for them. they are always careful about their money. Numerology for 6 makes them give less and take more from others who serve them. Even if they make a sacrifice, there will be a financial motive behind that. they will calculate profits and then only start anything. Numerology for number 6 makes them decorate their home with attractive things. they like well-kept gardens and swimming pools. they like to be surrounded by women. Even if they are a man, they love ornaments. Numerology for number 6 makes them spend money on costly and beautiful things. they easily bribe others with nice gifts and sweet talk. they are an expert in accumulating wealth using others’ talents, to make their life beautiful.

Numerology for the number 6 makes them born lucky. they are very attractive, which makes others like them. they are talented in their persistence and they achieve success. they purchase success at whatever price. Numerology for number 6 makes them enjoy others’ work and sacrifice. they are gifted with great riches and wealth. They live in grand luxury. they cannot imagine a life without servants, who are always present to obey them.

If number 6 is Afflicted

numerology for number 6, if afflicted makes them a confidence trickster. they cheat others very boldly. People knowingly get themselves cheated by them. they speak sweet and attractive words to delude and cheat them. Numerology for number 6, when bothered, makes them compelled to enter the fields of medicine, and religion, about which they know nothing. where they pretend to know everything, speak lies, cruelly cheat others, and make a living.

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