Lunar Eclipse 2023

Azghar Ali
The first lunar eclipse 2023 of this year will begin on Friday, May 5, 2023, at approximately 8:15 PM Pakistan Standard Time and will end at approximately 12:30 PM. According to Vedic astrology, this lunar eclipse will take place in Libra. It will be a partial eclipse and will be visible in Pakistan as well. In India lunar eclipse starts at 08:44 PM as per Indian Standard Time (IST) and it will end at 01:01 AM (IST) on May 6, 2023. In the USA on May.5 at 10:11 a.m., the maximum eclipse will be reached at 12:22 p.m. and the decline eclipse will end at 14:31 p.m. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, the shadow of the earth castes on the moon which we called a lunar eclipse. It is a very interesting phenomenon which fascinated human beings for centuries, different cultures take it as a sign of God’s anger, so we can see many people in the past started worshiping the moon too. But anyhow now it is not so many people understood the phenomenon. and it is fasnanitating people for decades.

lunar eclipse,first lunar eclipse,lunar eclipse 2023

Lunar Eclipse 2023

In astrology, the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse have their own significance. It was observed by different astrologists of that time whenever the lunar or solar eclipse course they see different changes in their lives, the impact is not limited to a person but also on the whole world. Other phenomena like earthquakes, storms, and tsunamis were also caused by solar and lunar eclipses.

Some people are asking with great surprise and concern that there has been a solar eclipse just a few days ago and now the lunar eclipse is also happening. Dear friends, there is nothing surprising in this because the lunar eclipse must happen 15 days before or 15 days after every solar eclipse and Full Moon is the time.

who's gonna affected more as per astrology?

The effect of this eclipse will be more on those people whose horoscope the Moon is in a weak state or the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the Moon and Ketu are running or lying together. However, on this lunar eclipse, what charity, solutions, measures, etc. should be given to the people of each constellation we discuse it in following 


Take a fist full of rice and circle it anticlockwise seven times above your head and throw it to the birds or give it to a widow, sick, poor woman, or scatter it near the holes of insects. May God bless everyone.

Astrological Remedy for quick relief from the bad effects of the lunar eclipse

lunar eclipse,first lunar eclipse,lunar eclipse 2023

If you have started feeling anxious and indecisive, or you are not feeling well, or you are having strange and bad dreams and thoughts, or you are having whispers and illusions, or you are having strange feelings and emotions and you are having a mood swing. have been suffering from bad health, cold, fever, etc., or feelings and emotions are in a strange and unstable mood. If the relationship of you with your mother is not good or the health of your mother is deteriorating, then of course In your horoscope, the planet moon is transiting the 6th, 8th, or 12th house or passing through its debilitated sign or is conjunct with a malefic planet and this condition may last for about 54 hours. As soon as you feel it, take a handful of plain salt and circle it anticlockwise seven or nine anticlockwise over your head. And pour this salt into the sink or put it in the root of a plant. Or add a little salt to the water and take a bath with this water. In addition to this, give milk to a poor, needy, deserving person or an animal, dog, cat, etc. You will feel immediate relief.

Thank you very much to all of you, friends who are understanding and benefiting from this knowledge and encouraging me when my predictions come true, solutions remedies, etc. are beneficial for you.

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Yours sincerely Azgahr Numerologist For personal consultation please contact us at

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