Name Numerology

Azghar Ali

Chaldean Numerology, Numerology


Name Numerology

People ask me “What is in a name?” and I always told them there is everything in your name. Name is the first thing that we are gifted by our parents when we are born. It has particular vibration and frequency and it has a great impact on our life. To become number 1 in your life you have to understand the new meaning of the number game. Every alphabet of your name has a certain value, and the sum total of your name should be in harmony with your date of birth to have a smooth flow in life. Now you came to know how it is necessary to study numbers.

Like astrology, numerology also works on the principle of the effect that the planets have on human lives. To prove that numbers govern our lives, two children of the same parents and having the same upbringing, but with different dates of birth have vastly different behaviors. The behaviors they both have is according to the date of birth and also the name they are known by.

Based on the idea that each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value and vibrations and that even though one cannot see some things, one may perceive them, this field of knowledge could be referred to as a science. People are categorized according to their names and dates of birth in numerology. A person's full name should match the date of birth that is listed next to it. Whether or not that number is favorable for the person is shown by the sum total. The only way to reconcile these two sets of numbers is by adding or removing alphabets because the date of birth cannot be altered. Once altered, new spelling may provide more positive vibrations.

Planets have influence over the life of a person which is another important factor to be born in the mind. Every number is given a planet name, like

·        Sun by 1

·        Moon by 2

·        Jupiter by 3

·        Uranus by 4

·        Mercury by 5

·        Venus by 6

·        Neptune by 7

·        Saturn by 8

·        Mars by 9

Among all 4,8 and 9 are the most troubling and disruptive planets. Ironically for numbers 4 and 8, the unlucky numbers are their own numbers. For those who come for extra limelight in success, I would prescribe a precise dose of a few changes in the alphabet in name, surname, or middle name to bring it on a positive number.

In conclusion, my prescription contains nothing but alphabets; a to z. very rarely, it could be a new name altogether, remember numerology is no replacement for hard work. I believe success is a mixture of a good fortune and hard work. In addition, we just change a little in the name to ensure success.


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