Numbers and colors Numerology

Azghar Ali
People usually ask me what’s my lucky number. Sir, which number is lucky for me birth number or destiny number? Which number should I feel connected with? What are the lucky colors for me? Whenever I wear this particular color, I am always successful in whatever task I end up doing. Or Whenever I face an interview, I wear this particular shirt, suit, sarhi, or coat, this is where because I feel the luckiest and most comfortable or this is the luckiest pen through which I write my exam and I’m always successful with them, these are all common comments which I heard from my friends and clients here and there usually. You may also feel that when you wear a particular color u feel comfortable and with some other color you feel uncomfortable. So, in this blog, I’m going to answer all those questions according to numbers and color numerology like, what is my lucky number? What is my lucky color? How often should I wear it? Which all ways can I use that color? What you should and should not do, what is wrong and right for you.

numbers and colors numerology, numerology colors, numerology lucky color

Numbers and colors Numerology

Before going to discuss numbers and colors numerology Let’s start with the date of birth and destiny number, hope your read the article about the date of birth and destiny numbers too, by the way, let’s understand these terms again, the day you are born is your date of birth and the sum total of your date of birth month number and year is called your destiny number, i.e. 24/6/1991, here date of birth is 2+4 = 6 and destiny number is 2+4+6+1+9+9+1 = 32 = 3+2 = 5, two number is important here one is 6 and other is 5, now the question is there which one should I follow birth number or destiny number? In this case, I suggest following both couple of times viz a viz, because you will get the energy and frequency from both numbers.

Numerology Lucky Color

Will we get its impact and benefit only by wearing lucky-colored clothes? The answer is No, there are a lot of ways through which you can use the lucky color for you, you can wear dress clothes in the same colors, you can use notebooks, a diary or a pen (prefer the cover of the pen) for the same color, you can buy flowers from the market for that color and you can have at your desk, you can have the curtains, plants, decor table clothes of that colors. If I say that yellow orange pink and shades of red are very good for you, then it does not mean that you do the same thing in the whole house, NO, because it will be excess and excess of anything is bad, so, whenever you are planning to do something important( exam, interview or meeting) you can use those colors, it is not necessary to surround yourself with particular color 24/7, because we do not want an excess of anything. Now you may note that the color that resonates with you, you will find many clothes of that color in your wardrobe through which you get the impacts of colors.

Also, Read  the personalities 

I hope that you understand the importance of color in your life and its impacts. Now it is time to disclose the color of each number according to numerology.

Birth or destiny numbers


Lucky colors

Avoid colors

1 Sun All shades of sun, Yellow, brown, orange, blue Black and Maroon
2 Moon White, Blue, Green, cream, silver Black and red
3 Jupiter Blue, violet, purple, pink, red, yellow Black and dark Blue
4 Uranus Grey and all the shades of blue, gold, orange, blue, cream Black
5 Mercury Green, light shades of green and grey Dark green and black
6 Venus Red, light blue, dark green, violet, purple yellow Yellow and black
7 Neptune Smoke brown, grey, green, light yellow, cream and light blue Black and dark color, red
8 Saturn Dark blue, grey, dark green, dark blue and yellow Black and red
9 Mars Red, crimson red, shades of brown and shades of maroon Any light color

Among all the colors there are some colors that are very dominating in nature, like yellow color, the color of the sun the king, it is the shirt color of the Australian cricket team and the Brazil football team, you can see how they make history again and again by becoming champion of their field. The black color which is the color of the slow planet Saturn is not considered to be lucky even for the people with the number 8. The black T-shirt of the New Zealand team is a good example of hard luck. How many times did they qualify for any big event? I don’t remember…. green color is very vibrant in nature, it is cool and calm color but a very unpredicted color like the Pakistani and South African cricket team (green shirt)

numbers and colors numerology, numerology colors, numerology lucky color

So, it is very important for anyone who wants to get the impact and positive energy of colors to add some yellow and golden colors in their daily use necessaries.
thanks to those who understand this science and support me to write more articles on this interesting science.
regard Azgahr Numerologist  
for personal reading and queries please contact us 

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